Thati Kaya In English Name
Here is a Glossary of commonly used Indian Spices. I have tried to collect all possible English Malayalam names for the spices. Eating Jujube Or Ber Fruit In Pregnancy Health Benefits Side Effects Aga Agatka Ata Agusia Agatha. Thati kaya in english name . Email ThisBlogThisShare to TwitterShare to Facebook. Female names Polish name Common diminutives English equivalent Adelajda. Only a few veggies such as basil are known by the same name Tulsi in most of the Indian languages. Sinhala - English Online Dictionary. Names of Indian Fruits in English Telugu. Aga Jagna Jagienka Agusia Agnes. Knowing the vegetable names of the other languages will always be helpful for the food bloggers like us. Check out the pictures below to know more about each spice. Hope this would be useful to all of you. Panaiveriyamman named after panai the Tamil name for the Palmyra palm is an ancient tree deity related to fertility linked to this palm. The name Kaya is a girls name of ...